New SANA Situation Update on Tunisia’s immigration crisis and Briefing Paper on Türkiye’s strategy in Libya
Tunisia and Libya are two North African countries examined from a different lens in two new Security Assessment in North Africa (SANA) outputs.
Our new Situation Update on Tunisia’s immigration crisis discusses how migrants have been a regular presence in Tunisia since around 2011, including those fleeing the instability in Libya. It is only in recent years, however, that they have become a political issue. With Tunisia’s economy in shambles and the rise of political repression, migrants within and transiting through the country have become a tense political topic.
Security over People: Tunisia’s Immigration Crisis examines the perilous situation that migrants in Tunisia now find themselves in, and how Tunisia’s relationship with the EU could further jeopardise migrants’ rights, social and legal integration, and humanitarian needs.
More prominently, Libya and its relationship with Türkiye is the focus of our new Briefing Paper. Libya’s troubled and divided political landscape, riddled with political uncertainty and the risk of violent escalation, renders the region one of the most volatile in the world and vulnerable to outside actors. Türkiye has been one of these actors, seeking influence through various interventions.
Turkish Foreign Policy in Libya: Geopolitical Interests and Fragile Peace demonstrates how Türkiye’s policy reflects geopolitical and domestic drivers, and provides insights into Türkiye’s role in Libya, contributing to the broader understanding of the political stalemate in the country.
Read: Security over People: Tunisia’s Immigration Crisis
Read: Turkish Foreign Policy in Libya: Geopolitical Interests and Fragile Peace
For more, check out:
- Feeling the Heat: Exploring the Link between Emotions and Violence (June 2024)—a blog post on the connection between emotions and violent extremism
- Persistent Perils: Illicit MANPADS in the MENA Region (April 2024)—a Report that provides an in-depth analysis of the proliferation of MANPADS in North Africa and the Middle East from 2015–23
- A Political Economy of Tripoli’s Abu Salim: The Rise of the Stability Support Apparatus as Hegemon (April 2024)—a Briefing Paper that examines how Ghaniwa’s methods have reshaped Abu Salim’s political economy
- A Political Economy of Zawiya: Armed Groups and Society in a Western Libyan City (March 2024)—a Report that examines how Zawiya’s armed groups gradually came to take on a particularly abusive and predatory character
- Continuity and Change: Extremist-used Arms in Mali (January 2024) —a Briefing Paper that investigates the arms, ammunition, explosives, and other materiel used in extremist attacks in Mali from 2015 to 2022, and the sources and pathways through which they were obtained
- The SANA project page
- Other SANA outputs in our Resource Library
Other news from the Survey:
- New Situation Update on trends in firearms trafficking in the Caribbean and Latin America
- New Briefing Paper on improving point of injury trauma care for IED victims
- Nouvelle note d’information SANA sur les armes à feu artisanales en Guinée
- New SANA Briefing Paper on the global struggle to halve violent deaths by 2030
- New Situation Update on the dynamics of firearms possession in Ukraine
- New Survey Report on the Arms Trade Treaty in the Indo-Pacific region